I was surrounded by a few very happy cheese-heads with the Packer's Superbowl Victory - woohoo!
We spent Saturday morning watching our niece scare away every other teammate. She's like a freight train - our future soccer star!
Scott's wonderful mom treated us and Scott's two older siblings to a Valentine's day treat at Kilby Creamery - YUM.
Our nephew Jadon opted for a PB&J instead of ice cream. How cute is this little boy?
Nothing like eating ice cream on a day that looks this cold. And it was COLD. And windy, which made it ten times colder.
Silo at Kilby Creamery.
This would be the cat that was begging us to adopt it. Such a sweet animal - mewing and poking and rubbing, trying to demonstrate to us how good of a pet it would be. If it wasn't for the intense fear of having to replace all our furniture, this little guy would have come home with us.
Valentine's Day cuppy-cakes.
My treat when I got home from work - my hubby knows me WELL!
Chocolate-covered strawberries to eat while we watched An Affair to Remember. Yum.
The steak dinner that was as good as a restaurant, if I do say so myself! More details on the preparation of the steak later, because you all HAVE to try it. So good.
How do you spell love? T-R-U-F-F-L-E-S. Ohh yes.
So there you have it. Care to share any of your Valentine's Day stories? I'd love to hear! I love a good romantic story. :)
I'll have to tell Brett that we weren't the only couple who had a steak dinner at home for Valentine's day! =) I thought we had a very romantic evening....steak with sauteed mushrooms and onions, roasted butternut squash, and steamed broccoli. And a glass of wine of course! It was delicious! I thought I loved food before I was pregnant/nursing, but nothing compared to how I love it now! We got all dressed up and I decorated the kitchen with candles and flowers. Nate solemnly watched us from his bouncy seat on the the table. =) Then we snuggled on the couch and watched a movie!