Ever feel like you're just itching to do something? Like something needs to change? Like there's an ever-growing list of things you want to do to be a better person?
If you're anything like me, your daily life is full of the itch. My problem is discipline. 100%. I can't blame it on not being a routine person, because so help me if you throw off my schedule in the morning, I might squirt you in the face with the Pam spray usually intended for my fried egg pan. I have the routine down, I'm just bad at adding things in.
Here's a brief list of things I wish I could be more disciplined at.
- Flossing
- Wearing make-up
- Eating correct, healthy portion sizes
- Cleaning my bathroom
- Not wasting food
- Not impulse buying in the grocery store
- Exercising
- Not letting laundry gather in piles on the floor
- Facebook. (need I say more?)
Obviously there's a lot more, but these are the highlights. I've been aware of them for a long time, but these are also things that I don't consider to be life-altering (although yes, extremely helpful), so they just get put on the side, day after day.
My desire to do something about these things usually peaks around September, and the end of January. Autumn inspires me for many reasons, and January seems pretty obvious. I usually don't get around to New Year's resolutions until the end of January, after the weather has been cold and gray and snowy for two weeks (sound familiar, my Baltimore friends??), and I'm finally off the high of the holiday season.
Well my friends, we've reached the end of January, and I have a few new projects I'm going to be trying. Some I'll be trying to share with you regularly, others I will probably just let you know about and then let you know afterwards how it goes. (Because honestly, flossing doesn't make for interesting blogging. It's really just pretty gross.)
Today starts one of my more intense projects. Have you ever noticed how when life gets harder and more stressful, one of the first things to feel the struggle is your faith? I usually keep mine pretty quiet, because I don't consider myself to be a strong person. In fact, I'm pretty weak, which means I'm self-conscious and vulnerable, and I don't like to talk about it. I generally just like to ignore it.
To make a long story short, it's time to dig myself out of a hole I'm feeling buried in. Difficult times and weakness have caused my Christian faith to become a dim little candle, instead of the roaring fire it should be. And it's time to fix it!
My best friend Kate has agreed (with a little too much enthusiasm) to be my tough, singe-your-face-mean drill sergeant of discipline. The idea of the project is simple - to read through two books of the Bible, discussing it with each other as we go along, and doing some memorization...in 31 days. Which according to urban legend, should be plenty of time to establish and break a few habits.
I invite you to join me. It doesn't have to be the same project in any respect. It could even be flossing, for 31 days. If there's anything our world could use more of, it's discipline. Be creative! We all want to diet and exercise...I'm curious about other things you'd like to be more disciplined at. I won't be blogging about this daily, but I'll try to give you a few updates as you go along. And I'd love to hear updates about your own projects. Encouragement is a beautiful thing!
I'll be launching another project later on this week, something much more fun and light-hearted, but this is something I wanted to let you know about today.
I'm off to go bake something fattening now to eat my feelings of vulnerability about this post. (See above, needing to be more disciplined at eating healthy, correct portion sizes. Hmm...) I hope you all enjoy your Sunday, and I look forward to hearing about what projects you may have going on. And March 2nd, hopefully I'll have good news to report!
And because I don't believe in a blog post without photos, here are some of my favorites from my repertoire of flower photos (because I'm obsessed) to help us look forward to spring. Because heaven help us, it needs to arrive soon!